Decoded Signals: 19 Signs Someone Might Be Sexually Attracted to You

You know how it goes – you meet all kinds of people. Some you vibe with straight away, like you’ve been pals forever. Others… not so much. But then, there are those folks where it’s like…whoa, there’s this weird energy in the air. Maybe you’ve felt it before and wondered if they’re getting the same vibes. Ever had that moment of, ‘Are they thinking about me like that?’

If so, you’re probably curious about the whole ‘sexual attraction’ thing. Let’s ditch the overthinking and break down the signs that they might be in you!

How do you even know if someone’s sexually attracted?

Okay, so you have this suspicion about someone. There’s probably a reason that thought even crossed your mind. Someone close started acting a bit flirty, or things suddenly got oddly awkward. There are usually some telltale signs when someone digs at you at the telltale level.

Some people swear there are spiritual signs, too! Have you ever felt someone thinking of you, and suddenly you want to check up on them or blush just at the thought? Even dreams about them… it’s wild! It proves our minds are connected, right?

The thing is, sexual attraction is a whole different ball game. The biggest clue is that someone wants to get down and dirty. You tend to see it physically.

“Okay, but what if it’s my friend? Does that mean…?” It gets awkward to think someone’s crushing on you in that way. People can be super friendly and believe it’s nothing more, but what if it isn’t?

Whether you’re crushing too or need to know what’s up, let’s get into those juicy signs of sexual attraction.

Read more about Discover Your Soulmate: An Astrological Guide.

19 Signs Someone’s Got You On Their Mind (And Not In A Platonic Way)

Can you feel it when someone is thinking about you getting frisky? And what do you do about it?

Before taking the following steps, let’s examine the signs someone has on their mind.

1. Getting Touchy-Feely

Touch is a biggie. Think about it – a friendly tap on the shoulder after a joke is one thing. But lingering hugs or someone always finding a reason to brush against you? That’s a potential sign of sexual attraction.

Important Note: Feeling uncomfortable with someone’s touch? That’s not okay. Speak up about your boundaries!

2. They’re Always Looking Their Best

When someone’s got a crush on you, they often want to present their best selves. Without even realizing it, they’re constantly fixing their hair, straightening their clothes, and sneaking looks in the mirror. They want you to notice them and see their most attractive side!

3. Compliments Galore

We pay close attention to the people we’re interested in. If you feel someone’s eyes (and thoughts) are on you, chances are they really are. Does this person always notice little details about you or shower you with compliments? That’s a classic sign of attraction—and maybe something more.

4. Eyes on the Prize

Ever wondered, “Why do I keep thinking about them?” It could be that unspoken connection and attraction simmering between you two. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but in this case, they might reveal desire.

You know the difference between focused eye contact, a romantic gaze, and that deep, smouldering stare that practically screams, “Let’s get out of here.” Intense eye contact is one of the telltale signs of sexual attraction.

5. A Flustered Flirt

Nervousness is a thing when someone’s crushing on you sexually. Maybe they usually come across as cool, but around you, they’re all flustered. They trip over their words, try too hard to be impressive, or even get clammy hands when you shake hands.

6. Craving One-on-One Time

Someone thinking about getting physical with you will try to get you all to themselves. They’ll look for chances to hang out alone – the perfect time to get flirty and see if you vibe with it, too.

7. Flirting Through Humor

Flirty jokes are like testing the waters. It’s a half-playful way to drop hints about their attraction. They secretly hope you’ll get the message and flirt back, not shut them down. Your response is critical!

8. Suddenly Super Attentive

Did someone you work with always seem kind of aloof, but now they’re bringing you coffee and asking all about your day? Those random acts of sweetness might have a motive. More touch, more attentiveness, wanting to be near you—these could all mean they’re crushing hard.

9. Smiles for Miles

A genuine smile is a major giveaway. Someone always beaming around you probably wants to be around you a LOT. The happiness is contagious; maybe they’re why you keep grinning, too! This could mean a simple crush, but often it’s a sign of something spicier.

10. Eyes on You

Do they linger on your hair or your outfit? That’s not just admiration—chances are they’ve got a significant dose of lustful thoughts swirling around in their head. Don’t be shocked if you catch them straight-up checking you out.

11. Like a Magnet

Company parties, hangouts with friends…and somehow, this person always ends up right by your side? It’s likely not a coincidence. When someone’s attracted, they naturally gravitate towards you. They’ll likely try to be in your orbit even in everyday situations.

12. That Lip Lick Though…

One of the classic telltale signs of attraction is licking their lips. Your presence is this tempting treat they can’t take off their eyes (or mouth!). Often, it’s subconscious.

13. Sweetness Overload

When someone wants to get physical with you, they often turn on the charm. It might resemble a regular crush, but there’s a subtle difference. They’ll go above and beyond with sweet gestures to get you comfortable and closer to them. Offers to drive you home, outings, drinks…it’s a way to get in your good graces.

14. Your Squad Can Sense It

Your friends and coworkers aren’t blind! They might notice the shift in how this person acts around you. The teasing will start before you even fully catch on. Trust them—they pick up on those lingering glances, special treatment, and flirty vibes. And hey, sometimes they might even help stir the pot a bit…

15. Always Down to Hang

Suddenly, this person is always free when you want to grab a drink or hang out. That’s not just friendliness. They’re making moves to spend more time with you, ideally with fewer people around. It’s prime time to ramp up that sexual tension.

16. The Vibe is Unmistakable

You know something’s in the air, right? The energy around you two feels charged. That’s a classic sign of sexual interest. You might even wonder why your brain keeps drifting in that direction, and the answer is simple: those magnetic forces are getting stronger!

17. Seduction 101

It’s not just words; they’ll bring out the subtle moves. Watch for things like tracing the edge of their glass with their finger, a gentle lip bite, or a drop in the pitch of their voice. These signals are designed to convey a desire that’s a bit hotter than friendship.

18. Getting Personal

Someone wanting to get intimate will stick to more than small talk. They’ll start pushing conversations in a more personal direction. Asking about your past relationships, sharing their own in a revealing way… it’s them trying to figure out if there’s a deeper connection to explore.

19. Mirror Mirror

Check out their body language! Do they subtly copy your posture, lean in when you do, or mirror your hand gestures? This mirroring is a subconscious sign of attraction. It’s their way of showing they’re in tune with you, both physically and emotionally.

The Difference Between Lust and Love

Figuring out whether someone is thinking about a quick fling or something real is critical. Just because they’re into you sexually doesn’t automatically mean they’re looking for a deep connection.

It gets confusing when they’re super sweet and attentive! But sometimes, sadly, people will put on that charm to get what they want and then disappear afterwards. Nobody deserves that! If you want a partner, a natural emotional bond, it’s way healthier to steer clear of someone who’s only sending those physical signals.


How do you know when someone is sexually attracted to you?

There are lots of telltale signs! They’ll probably be extra flirty, touchy-feely, and stare at you like you’re something delicious. You might even catch them blushing or licking their lips. Basically, all those classic signs that someone wants more than just friendship.

How do you know if someone is sexually thinking about you?

Honestly, unless they straight-up tell you, it’s hard to know for sure. But there are some clues! If they suddenly become extra sweet, initiate one-on-one time, or subtly mirror your body language, it’s possible those thoughts are a little more than PG 😉. Remember, sometimes people even have dreams about those crushes!

How to tell if a man is sexually attracted to you but hiding it?

Guys can sometimes be shy about showing their cards! But pay attention to how he acts around you compared to others. More nervous? Extra polite? If he’s dropping subtle hints through compliments, lingering eye contact, or finding ways to touch you, there’s a good chance he’s interested in a very physical way but is still trying to work up the courage to let you know.

Can You Make Someone Feel the Heat?

So, you want to turn the tables and be the one driving someone crazy with desire? Well, these signs can work in reverse, too! A little extra flirting and playful touches will get their attention. Just remember, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of sexy fun, but be careful not to play with the emotions of someone who’s committed or might get hurt.

The Bottom Line

There’s no way around it; figuring out if someone wants to get dirty is complicated. You’ll have people showing interest and flirting, and yeah, that can be thrilling!

But here’s the thing: sexual attraction doesn’t always equal wanting to build something real. It’s important to remember that so nobody ends up getting hurt on some wild emotional rollercoaster. These signs are all about that physical spark.

Of course, sometimes someone genuinely likes you, but maybe they’re not the relationship type. If you’re not into a casual situation, be upfront. A person mainly focused on the physical side will be fine.

But hey, if the vibes are right, are you both single and feeling it? Who says you can’t enjoy a little fun?

Pooja Singh is a versatile writer at, covering a wide range of topics from lifestyle and sports to travel and trending news. With a passion for storytelling and staying ahead of the curve on current affairs, Pooja brings a fresh and engaging perspective to her content, making it a must-read for diverse audiences.

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